Opportunities to Stay in Touch with Nordic Languages

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Hej alla,

Here are some opportunities to stay in touch with one of the Nordic languages while we wait for our Nordic Chorus rehearsals to resume. The first one is an app for studying on your own, and the others are classes offered through Zoom or in-person. (Zoom classes can actually work quite well, and you don’t need to drive anywhere.)

Duolingo Just pick your language, your own schedule, and get started. Furthermore, it’s free!

Northwest Danish Association Saturday morning classes begin Sept 25th through Zoom.

Portland Community College (offered fall term over Zoom, taught by native speaker, Gunilla M Rohdin-Bibby)

Portland State University (in-person classes)

  • Norwegian 201 (I didn’t notice first year Norwegian.)
  • Swedish 101

As you know, we also have our own pronunciation guides available on the Portland Nordic Chorus website.

Stay healthy, and I look forward to seeing you when we start up again!
